Our conference was full of strong, intelligent, and unapologetic pro-Israel students. One fellow, Angelina, decided to ask why they identified as Zionists. 

Here are the answers. 

We are living at a time where the Jewish right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland is being denied, or co-opted and redefined into something nefarious. Our students inspire us to continue to stand up for the facts, and to not let bigots turn Zionism into a bad word. 

#israel #cameraoncampus #zionism #cameraoncampusisrael #cameraoncampusuk #camerauk #thisiszionism #jewish #jewishpeople #endjewhatred
During her speech at a rally marking the six month anniversary of October 7th, Co-Director of @indigenouscoalitionicfi Dr. Sheree Trotter shares the truth about Jewish indigeneity in Israel. #thisiszionism 

#cameraoncampus #cameraoncampusuk #camerauk #indigenouscoalitionforisrael #israel #truthaboutisrael #indigeneity #indigenous #zionism #zionist
Share your Zionist story. Visit thisiszionism.net 馃嚠馃嚤 #thisiszionism 

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Rachael鈥檚 family escaped from antisemitic persecution in Iran. Today, she faces the same ages-old hatred in the form of anti-Zionism at her university. Despite the lack of historical literacy of her campus community, our UC Berkeley CAMERA Fellow is determined to set the record straight. #ThisIsZionism

#cameraoncampus #cameraoncampusisrael #zionism #zionist #ucberkeley #berkeley #mizrahistories #iran #israel
Now more than ever, we must stand up against those who want to usurp and misrepresent Zionism. We will do just that by being proud, unapologetic, and showing you what Zionism really is through our annual #ThisisZionism campaign. Learn more on zionism.me 馃嚠馃嚤 

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